Saturday 11 June 2011


Since this weekends news haven't been the best so far (an accident rarley comes alone, as we say in Sweden)
I haven't been myself really. Didn't feel like doing anything. When it's too much, the only thing I feel like doing is going to bed and sleep away the pain. That's what I did. Have been in bed watching "Californication" and slept for the last 20 hours and I have been thinking. Thinking is good when you want to solve problems and heal wounds in your mind and soul. I realized people are so different when it comes to emotions. I always take the time neccessary to be alone and reflect over the situation when something happened, when boys often pretend like nothing happened, goes out and have fun and get drunk with their friends, trying to find a new target (if they broke up with someone for example) This may seem very selfish and 'cold' for us girls, but I have learnt this is the way most guys work...
I have done some grocery shopping in the bio store next to mine and decided that when (if) I ever have children they are gonna grow up on bio food.
Talked to my clever little sister in Sydney about individualism and found that we in Sweden are raised much more like that than people from South Europe (and ofcourse elsewhere). We are brought up to be free, independent, self thinking and self sufficient individuals, who doesn't depend on anybody; family, religious groups, etc and thank god for that! More about this subject which I find extremly interesting later on, my lil' sis maybe have some links and info from her courses at Sydney University to provide me with.
Soon gonna visit the MAC store where I dj'd the other night and chose some make up we got as a gift. Lovely MAC people btw, they said they loved my set and my music, found it professional and that it had been just perfect for them, so happy to hear that ;)
Tonight I'm playing at the RDV bar...
See you around...

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